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Καλά νέα για χιλιάδες πάικτες του Battlefield 5 - Σημαντικές βελτιώσεις στον netcode - TTK - TTD

Καλά νέα για χιλιάδες πάικτες του Battle...
Πομώνης Γιάννης
[email protected] , Facebook Page

Με το νέο update

Το νέο update που αναμένεται να έρθει για το δημοφιλές Battlefield 5 ισχυρίζεται πως θα βελτιώσει πολλά από εκείνα για τα οποία χιλιάδες παίκτες παραπονιούνται τους τελευταίους μήνες. Πιο συγκεκριμένα στα patch notes αναφέρονται αλλαγές στον netcode που αφορούν στην απόκριση ανεξαρτήτως latency. Το TTK (time to kill) και TTD (time to death) προσαρμόζονται σχετικά, έτσι ώστε η εμπειριά να είναι το δυνατόν περισσότερο ρεαλιστική.

Πάμπολες φορές παίκτες ανέφεραν πως βίωναν σχεδόν στιγμιαίο θάνατο παίζοντας το παιχνίδι. Αυτό βελτιώνεται με την αποστολή στο ίδιο πακέτο του netcode περισσότερων πληροφοριών που αφορούν στην εξέλιξη της μάχης και ακόμη την πρώτη κιόλας σφαίρα που δέχεται ή στέλνει ένας παίκτης.

Οι απανταχού παίκτες του Battlefield 5 θα πρέπει να αναμένουν σήμερα το 3ο update που αφορά στο Combined Arms, το CO OP τεσσάρων ατόμων με διάφορες αποστολές και φυσικά τις διορθώσεις που θα γίνουν με πιο σημαντική εκείνη του πολύ κακού Time to Death (TTD).

Δείτε παρακάτω τι αλλάζει με το νέο update


Netcode / TTK / TTD Improvements
• Added a new system that will ensure consistency between TTK (Time to Kill) and TTD (Time
to Death) regardless of the network performance issues (high latency, jitter, packet loss, etc.)
encountered by players. With this change, the damage sequence from first bullet to last
bullet hit will always properly be paced over time and will avoid bundling of damage (superbullets).
• Increased the amount of damage updates that can happen in a single packet. This will ensure
that the damage is sent to the player as fast as possible and avoid very delayed damage from
weapons like shotguns.
• Fixed an issue that caused the client to receive an incorrect amount of damage that would
get corrected by the server shortly after. In some cases, the health correction for the client
would only happen when a new damage update happens, which led to a desynced state
where the player would try to self-heal or interact with other healing sources unsuccessfully.
• Fixed an issue where the player’s health would wrongly update due to incorrect high
frequency prioritization. This would commonly happen if there were a lot of players in the
area. This issue could present itself when, for example, players tried to heal themselves, but
no health was applied when the health pouch was used.
• Fixed an issue where players still could take bullets damage for too long from a player that
was recently killed, especially if that player had high latency. When the player is now
confirmed killed on the server, damage from that player will be rejected. This change will not
affect grenades, rockets and other projectiles that are not bullets.
• Improved the visual replication of projectiles. This will ensure a more consistent directional
damage feedback and will increase the accuracy of directional hit indicators.
• Improved the HUD health updates when taking damage.
• Fixed an issue where camera shakes would get delayed. This impacted how fast the player
could read the damage feedback.
• Made several improvements to vaultable object detection.

Netcode / TTK / TTD Improvements

• Added a new system that will ensure consistency between TTK (Time to Kill) and TTD (Time

to Death) regardless of the network performance issues (high latency, jitter, packet loss, etc.)

encountered by players. With this change, the damage sequence from first bullet to last

bullet hit will always properly be paced over time and will avoid bundling of damage (superbullets).

• Increased the amount of damage updates that can happen in a single packet. This will ensure

that the damage is sent to the player as fast as possible and avoid very delayed damage from

weapons like shotguns.

• Fixed an issue that caused the client to receive an incorrect amount of damage that would

get corrected by the server shortly after. In some cases, the health correction for the client

would only happen when a new damage update happens, which led to a desynced state

where the player would try to self-heal or interact with other healing sources unsuccessfully.

• Fixed an issue where the player’s health would wrongly update due to incorrect high

frequency prioritization. This would commonly happen if there were a lot of players in the

area. This issue could present itself when, for example, players tried to heal themselves, but

no health was applied when the health pouch was used.

• Fixed an issue where players still could take bullets damage for too long from a player that

was recently killed, especially if that player had high latency. When the player is now

confirmed killed on the server, damage from that player will be rejected. This change will not

affect grenades, rockets and other projectiles that are not bullets.

• Improved the visual replication of projectiles. This will ensure a more consistent directional

damage feedback and will increase the accuracy of directional hit indicators.

• Improved the HUD health updates when taking damage.

• Fixed an issue where camera shakes would get delayed. This impacted how fast the player

could read the damage feedback.

• Made several improvements to vaultable object detection.

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